My Mom!

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VioletStickman Blowing Bubbles
All about my mom!

I bet about now, if you've read any of my other pages, you're saying to yourself,"This woman thinks everybody she knows is special!" Well, you're right! And now I'm gonna tell you about my mom.

First, her name is Janie, but we call her Nanie. She worked in a bank for many years, and retired the first of this year. We are so glad to have her home!! She also writes an article that is published in our two local papers, The Clarksdale Press Register and the Sun Sentinel, called Tutwiler News. If you want to check it out, I will be printing the weekly articles here.

The most important thing about Nanie is her generosity...she always has an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, or a smile to cheer you up! She has always gone out of her way to help a friend in need (or, for that matter, anyone she meets!). She has a long list of older ladies who might need cheering up around Mother's Day. So, for years and years, she has made something for each and every one of them! And, we're talkin' about 50 or so of these women! And she did it just because she thought it would make them happy!


Hand SignalsSign One thing Nanie has always wanted to do is learn sign language. She had an uncle who was deaf, and also taught in a school for the deaf. Her father learned how to sign almost before he could talk! I think she has always regretted not learning from him. Someday, I would like to learn and maybe be able to teach her. I have a lot more time than she does to learn things like that. I have put some links to pages about sign language here.


Nanie collects miniature books, bottles, buttons, and frogs! It's so funny, because she's afraid of frogs! Don't ask me how this got started, but she has lots of frogs now! I've put lots of neat frog links on here, anyway!


Well, I found a couple of cute frog pictures with kewpies...and since Nanie loves kewpies, too...I thought I'd put them here!

Aren't they the cutest little guys you've ever seen?! I love 'em...and I'm sure Nanie will, too!



This yellow rose is for my mother and her mother, Mamaw. She died when I was very young. I don't really remember her, but Nanie tells a story about her trying to teach me how to count. I must have been about two, and Mamaw decided to teach me to count. She had me repeat after her: one...two...three..four...five! She stopped and I said,"six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" She had no idea I already knew how to count! I wish I'd had time to get to know her better...


Nanie loves to garden and also arrange flowers. To enter her garden, click on the birdhouses below.

Nanie's Birdhouse


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