What's New!

What's New

July 8,1997-Four new pages: Awards, Smiley Fairy-Tale, Troll Creations, Stop Child Abuse.

July 15,1998-Added Friends page!

Late July-Added Adoptees...lots of adopted creatures!

August 1,1998-learned to make these nifty pull-down link menus...you probably don't care, but it's so cool! My thanks to Larry for the suggestion and help! Why don't you go see Larry At his site...he's a real nice guy!

August 7,1998-Added poetry page! Sorry there's not much here yet...still can't figure out where I put all my poems! Just blame it on the creative mind! LOL!

August 13,1998-Added Morgan Freeman Tribute and Chicago Cubs Page!

August 21,1998-Created my first award! Cool! To apply for it, click here!

I was running out of space on this site, so I moved the trolls here.

November-When Sebe was young...pics of my son when he was little! Click here

December 17-New cypress knee pics! Click here.

And pics of my Dad here!

Jan.5-Updated my Mom's page here!

March 14, 1999-New polymer clay bracelets here and polymer clay ink pens here. Also pictures from my troll scrapbook here.
