Melnik's Happy Home...home to dogs, cats, trolls, artists, polymer clay, leathercrafts, collectors and more!


smiley face
Melnik's Happy Home...a place where trolls and dogs and people exist in harmony. Everyone is welcome here!

Hi! My name is Melanie. Come on in and make yourself comfy.

Polymer Clay

We're gonna have some fun!!
I've got lots to show and'll see things I've made from polymer clay...things I've'll visit the troll room where you'll see trolls and pez and smiley face buttons! Then, you can meet my family and my dog and learn a little about me...we could chat about books we've read. If you want to talk about movies or television, you'll have to go to my movie page! Who knows where you might end up!

Hey! Wanna check out the Tutwiler News? Archived articles start here. The latest article is here.


I'll take real good care of you!

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Navigate My Page
Mel's Knees Polymer Clay Trolls,Pez&Smileys Kewpies&Kiddles My Dog, Nessa
My Life My Son My Mom My Dad My Chihuahua, Jose
Anne Geddes Page Help Favorite Books Book Links Art Links
Nanie's Links Pop's Links Sebe's Links My Links Jose's Links
Troll/Pez/Kiddle Links Multiple Sclerosis Links Asthma/Anxiety Disorder Links Kewpie/Smiley/Pinky and the Brain Links Polymer Clay Links
Stop Child Abuse Chicago Cubs Web Friends Smiley Fairy-Tale Awards
My Cats Rattie Repertory Mayhem Dance Co. Morgan Freeman Tribute Scrapbooking Links Tutwiler News Index
My TV Site Family Pictures Win My Award My Secret Pal Page: From Tracey My Webrings
My Movie Site My Fantasy Site Sebe:The Early Years My Troll Site Sebe's Website, Plummet


I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you to a lot of people who made this page possible...and most of them have never heard of me! They offer a service that makes it possible for all of us newbies to create something that we can be proud of! I hope you will take the time to go and see who they are...after all, they may be able to help you, too!

Click here!


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Please, please, please sign my guestbook! I hate to beg, but...I'm beggin'! LOL! No, really, I do try to visit the pages of all those who are kind enough to sign it...and I always sign the book! Thanks!!


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